In the prestigious town of Croce, a hamlet of Menaggio, in the immediate vicinity of the oldest Golf Club in Italy, we offer a villa conceived and built by the well-known architect Mantegazza, whose style, care and elaboration of spaces are recognised. The property enjoys a beautiful lake view and a private garden of about 2,600 square metres.
The villa has cozy spaces, the living room is, in fact, on three half floors: on the entrance floor we find the belvedere area with comfortable seating and large windows that give an enchanting glimpse; a few steps take us to a second living area dominated by an imposing fireplace. Other steps accompany us to the dining area and to the large open kitchen, finely equipped and furnished.
From the kitchen there is access to a glass veranda which also allows you to reach the garden that revolves all around the property.
The bedrooms are three in total, the bathrooms with large sizes are two.
Technical room and outdoor storage for garden tools, Two outdoor parking spaces complete the property.
The villa is sold furnished and really stands out for its attention to detail.
Of considerable value is the Lombard terracotta that covers the whole house.
Garden and property are in perfect condition